How to create magic, and bring someone into your world
Photo by Rhett Wesley / Unsplash
Self Development Philosophy

How to create magic, and bring someone into your world

Tyler Jennings Coatsworth
Tyler Jennings Coatsworth

Hand gestures in speech and dialogue is essentially visual perception magic. See the famous magician duo Penn & Teller in their Vegas show Fool Us and you'll find very quickly that the visual field of the brain can relatively easily be lead astray or 'fooled'.

You may have witnessed a lecturer or other orator craftily using their hands when speaking, which is quite commonplace, however the magic lies in the amount of attention they grasp from you and how much you get roped into their world. They maybe creating diagrams or network shaped structures that represent something about their field or on their PowerPoint slides, but the name of the game is distraction and the creation of an internal world you both willingly or subconsciously choose to share. Your brain will do it's best to fill in the details of what the speaker is conveying and will fool you into thinking their hand gestures actually mean something tangible. The reality is that it is all imaginary and you've given up your reality for the reality of the person speaking with you.

Penn and Teller get the audience to be dazzled and they are creating the reality that they want the crowd to experience. It has carefully been crafted to engage you and your brain in the desired way for the illusion to work.

Life doesn't imitate art. Art abstracts away the harsh realities of life; it takes the unknown (i.e. magic) and shares its truths with the world in abstracted form.

Furthermore, it does not take long for our brains to perceive senses as part of self.

In the world of seduction, love, and attraction all of these principles take form and can be used to "spice up" someone's dull routine reality with a little Magic.

Examples of ways to create reality:

  • Set boundaries: Use your voice and your physical presence to enforce the narrative of your choosing, or to play into someone else's held beliefs of size and presence.
  • Example: "He look large and threatening, don't challenge him." "He must've been in the military" "He's wearing a suit so he might be or have a Lawyer" – These hidden stories we hold trap us mentally and hide the fact that we ourselves can craft reality. They can also be used personally by us to allow us the freedom to escape our present situation on a dime or to set our own presence and boundaries for the world to respect us.
  • Non-verbally: Though choreographed movements (e.g. dance) our elegant form, posture, or poise we can also distract, bedazzle, and whisk others to follow us with the craft of our movements through the world.

We all have hidden scripts we believe in on a daily basis, many of which limit our own perceptions of the world or what we imagine as possible. At the end of the day even words are abstract symbols we use. According to Terrence McKenna, we are "full symbolic creatures." What we imagine or think to be true may be far off from the realities of the situation, and the language we use to speak with ourselves very readily influence the results we achieve in the world.

A further example of this would be hand gestures used to distract and bring the viewer into focusing on what we are saying, and that reality you've created is more interesting than the bland fact that two people are standing staring at each other. Every social interaction there are "frames of reference" we follow, whether it is a boss, subject matter experts, or friend we are around – someone is holding the most attention and their reality is more present. We can become that person and hold attention ourselves, bringing people into our more interesting world.

Also the use of unpredictable or elegant dance or spin movements we can bring someone out of the routine script of for example: being on the street outside a Grocery Store – add excitement and pizazz by taking their hand and twirling them around, now you two are in a completely difference universe. One where dance and play is involved and their are now sharing a part of your guided world. They are no longer doing their errands, but We are planning a future together, to a restaurant or an exotic trip that is being planted and formulated in their minds – forget the present feasibility: if there is a will there is a way. Us language and reality spinning adds magic to the boring routine daily life. People want to be seduced and taken into your more exciting world. Don't leave them hanging.

"Are we human, or are we dancers." - The Killers